February 2, 2025
New Balance Indoor Grand Prix



The 2025 New Balance Indoor Grand Prix has officially sold out! There will be no tickets available for sale at the door!

COVID-19 Requirements

As of November 2024, there are no COVID-19 restrictions currently in force by either the City of Boston or the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

the TRACK at New Balance Face Mask Policty

At this time, the TRACK at New Balance is not requiring anyone to wear a face mask or face covering of any kind.

Conditions of Sale

This is a revocable license to the bearer only and may be revoked at any time for any reason. The holder of this ticket voluntarily assumes all risks and danger incidental to the event for which the ticket is issued, whether occurring prior to, during, or after the event. Holder voluntarily agrees that the management facility, participants, artists, Global Athletics & Marketing, Inc., USA Track and Field, Freshtix and all of their respective agents, officers, directors, owners and employees are expressly released by holder from any claims incidental to the event or purpose for which the ticket is issued. No readmissions, NO cameras or recording devices are permitted. All tickets are purchased at risk of inclement weather. Freshtix is not responsible for articles lost, misplaced or stolen at the event for which this ticket grants admission. Time, date and location of event are subject to change. This ticket will not be replaced, refunded or exchanged for any reason, except for event cancellation. Shipping, handling and service charges are non-refundable, even if the event is cancelled.

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